by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

All that I might write, have written or will write in the past, present and future I now claim to be relevant material meant to impact everyone, convey messages, express emotions, heal souls, touch hearts, massage brains, excite eyes, move mountains, break down barriers, poke holes in dams, burn feelings, seek change, damage ideas, level buildings, swing mighty pens, force action, destroy philosophies, build ideologies, dance with the devil, high-five Shakespeare, explore God, find Atlantis, open pandora’s box, play in the brain’s sandbox, sing a new song, laugh amongst Titans, sail on the trade winds of words, master the mysterious, forge new paths, journey to the unknown, emulate dystopia, construct impossibilities, secretly whisper to faerie queens, inspire more than one person, enter locked doors, plant seeds in fertile ground, walk with those that went before, run until the earth finally tells me to stop, speak to mother earth, tread lightly on floating dandelions, travel the length, breadth and width of the universe, touch a star, accept the sun and moon as fallible, negate two plus two equals four, tear love apart until a raw septic sore appears, experience failure, expect success, swim across the Panama Canal, converse with a surly pirate, dive deeper, live longer (fuck it forever), expand a brain synapse, demonstrate authenticity, honestly appreciate, assume nothing, type and type some more, write in four dimensions, dream reality, soothe a waking dragon, fight next to a Spartan, work without boundaries, imagine utopia, daydream in a butterfly’s cocoon, taste the global food spectrum, smell purity, debate God’s role, hold Haley comets tail, meet an alien, watch a cloud evolve, ponder a nightingale’s song, read every single word like it is on fire, sleep peacefully knowing the universe waits at your doorstep, color outside the lines, complete one crossword puzzle, forget the past, smile for the future knocks at every door, battle a gladiator in the Roman coliseum (for a short period of time and then give him a hug), chuckle at myself, hike up, down and around a mountain (the view changes and it may change you), get to know my shadow, marry a Greek goddess, greet a damsel in distress, rescue two lovers, discover Eden’s garden, drink deeply from de Leon’s fountain, edit absent bias, ride shotgun in Jupiter’s chariot, drive Santa’s sleigh, climb a molehill, form a perfect word, achieve destiny’s promise, whistle a magical tune, skip to my lou my darling, carry a load worth lifting, ask and not receive anything (I mean it), give without pretense, lay down and allow my brain to play.