by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Maybe just maybe this life is not designed to be one of success or failure. If one is to eventually die and nothing can be taken into the next life then it is safe to conclude success and failure are mute points. What if there is no next life but rather a constant cycle of energy? No matter what belief you subscribe too, we must therefore live everyday like it is our last. Being good, bad or indifferent are inconsequential parameters to consider in anyone’s pursuit of happiness because ultimately there is a definitive end.

Solomon mentions this in his Old Testament diatribe and how many others must relentlessly pursue this age old conundrum before we come to the final saying that death and life are one and the same. Eternity begins with a moment of conception and therefore is a constant creative process bent on moving energy from one place to the next. If I were to place a ball on a flat table and exhale with minimal force that ball will move a certain distance. Once that force has stopped exerting its will on said object then that object becomes once again stable within its spatial context. Look at us humans how we are constantly in flux from an inestimable amount of external influences such as emotions, feelings, other humans, animals, work demands, personal demands, desires, longings, and the list is never ending. We are constantly being breathed upon and pushed in a myriad of directions and this does not stop with death. Death is a doorway. Once opened it leads to the next eternal step in our ongoing existence.

God says to look around at creation and when I do; all I see is rebirth. A flower blooms, drops its seed, the seed is pollinated and life begins anew. Let’s say for a moment that the skeptic says but what about the seed or egg that is not inseminated. I say to you that creation never began and thus eternity is set within that beginning moment of conception. Life is within the moment of conception at any level we see energy reflecting what is, what was and what is to become. Boundaries are momentarily suspended and give way to a systematic formation of all life. That is why life must reside in other regions of this universe. If energy is constantly reorganizing itself on its own terms or creating something from nothing then in the remotest part of our universe lies a seedling, organism or ecosystem which is waiting to make itself known to our sleepy little planet. But I am getting ahead of myself.

The religious pontificators must be silenced for this is not a subject where we can argue incessantly about what dogma says about our petty ideals or moral sense or ethical diatribes. Universal truth is truth and therefore cannot be changed. If one were to step in mud, that mud is a result of dirt and water mixing to make a new substance that for a moment is itself its own entity yet still embodying two separate components (dirt and water). For those that want to get into the argument that dirt is composed of minerals, earth elements and other particles and water is actually hydrogen and oxygen molecules; I concede to you right now because that is not my argument. My argument lies in the basic foundation that the formations known fully composed as functioning inanimate objects, dirt and water are constant energy which have the ability to create another energy efficient substance when enacted upon by an outside force. Dirt and water create mud and from that a lotus flower blooms. Again, I get ahead of myself. Further, if the inanimate substances like dirt and water can transform and create how much more the complex human nature of our personhood. Thus universal truth is infinitely complex and makes sufficient room for all moral and ethical considerations. That is why polar opposites like a Satanist and Christian can coexist in a conceptually free country like the United States of America. Good and evil, life and death exist as a bubble floating on the wind; fragile components that can not really define Universal truth because it’s magnitude is ever changing. 

Life and death thus must be talked about within the base concept of eternity. Is God or are the Gods or no God involved in all this? This is a complex tri-part question. I digress but I must say the base question contains within it the trinity complex which I will discuss later regarding all things and their interconnectedness to the shape and substance of a three sided geometric shape. The best explanation of God lies in the universal knowledge (not truth) that he has always been. He has transcended time, broken all the rules of his own making and essentially has no point related to creation. Creation lies within him. I want to come back to the statement “Creation lies within him” later and move on to the Gods idea. 

History is littered with Gods, demi-gods and other worship items who were created by their communities to explain the unexplainable, adherence to ethical and moral dogma’s and control or allow certain behaviors to manifest themselves (i.e. war, sickness, death). Even the Bible recognizes the presence of other Gods albeit they are listed as lower according to whatever measuring stick measures a Gods abilities. But these points are all based on the spiritual conception of an afterlife crafted by humans through special insight given to them by the God or Gods. Interesting when we read those words again it is hard not to consider the Atheists belief there is no God. With this in mind, consider that creation flourishes without God because at the least creation has a beginning without end. Let’s say the big bang theory is correct, then creation starts from a point and expands exponentially across space and time. Matter forms from those seeds and we are left to surmise time compressed life into existence. To be continued…