Experiencing Hua Hin

I woke up early again which was not a bad thing because I was able to read, collect my thoughts, and write. I also decided I was going to walk back and forth to the main office where we do the training which was approximately 1.5 miles one way. I wanted to immerse myself in the culture and see what happened along the way. My first roadway experience was sketchy. I had difficulty keeping track of vehicles and motor scooters direction of travel coupled with the fact motor scooters would travel along the side of the road in whatever direction they saw fit. During training at the Xplore Asia office, we had language lessons, were interviewed by our placement specialist, and learned a little bit about the background of Xplore Asia (the organization placing us in our teaching position). While speaking with my placement specialist (Ian), he asked me where I wanted to teach in Thailand. I told him I had no preference and he stated that I should have a placement by the next day. I walked out of the brief interview elated and at peace.

After language lessons, we rode in an open-air bus to a Muay Thai training facility and went through basic movements. The experience was a dream come true because the boxing ring, gloves, punching bags, trainers, and music was authentic. It is hard for me to describe the activity based on the fact it was a dream come true. The facility was located on the out skirts of town, there was a metal roof with no walls, and the heavy bags looked as if they been struck by the Hulk. I have thought about what it would be like to be in Thailand and attend a Muay Thai training facility since I was a young adult.

At the conclusion of the day, we were transported back to our hotel and we (as a group) rode down to the beach. The water was extremely warm (almost like bathwater) and there were no waves like a lake. We ate as a group at a beach front bar and ended the night by taking Tuk-Tuks back to the hotel.