Golf. Who would have ever imagined golf might be a catalyst for social dissension? If you have a minute, let me tell you another pandemic story. All week myself and two buddies had been planning on golfing on Saturday afternoon. We knew or at least had an inkling that this may be difficult based on the circumstances. Everything and I mean everything is shutdown, yet the Madera Municipal Golf Course has remained open; welcoming golfers to come and enjoy the beautiful weather and step away from the self-imposed isolation.
I awakened a little later than usual and was met by a group text alert asking if we were still going because they had checked the internet site which was no longer taking tee times. I called the golf course and spoke with a kind hearted individual who stated that they were open for business. The boys were overjoyed knowing that this was now a supreme luxury rather than a golf outing at a sub-par municipal golf course. I headed out of my house, effortlessly maneuvered through the minimal traffic, and merged onto Highway 99 North towards Madera. I settled into my drive enjoying the free flow of traffic when all of a sudden, the large semi-truck driving in front of me slid into the fast lane causing a white mini-van to swerve and T-bone a red older model Ford truck. The sickening crunch of two cars colliding reverberated and time slowed as I watched the elderly woman driving the white mini-van release the steering wheel while her face contorted into a pretzel. I sped on at 70 MPH leaving the wreckage in my rear-view mirror. Under normal conditions, I would have stopped but I paused to consider the COVID-19 exposure risk and by the time I decided to stop; the two cars were a distant memory.
Thirty minutes later, I parked in the Madera Municipal Golf course parking lot eager to engage with this new pandemic experience. I found my golfing buddy standing in line near the entranceway to the golf shop and the new-normal “X” tape markers on the ground delineated six feet separation from each person. I haven’t ever walked a golf course and we decided this would be the best way to recognize social distancing rules while golfing. Other golfers were not abiding by these requirements, but it hasn’t reached the point of confronting persons regarding this issue, so I chose to look the other way. Throughout the day we encountered the direct effect of this pandemic. While golfing along the roadway, multiple vehicles repeatedly honked at us signaling their displeasure, the flag cups were raised so that golfer did not touch the flags and were forced to “bump the cup”, and there was no touching hand slaps, pats on the back or congratulatory handshakes when someone made a good shot. Other golfers were willing to engage in conversations from a distance but there was always an underlying tension permeating throughout these interactions.

Afterwards, we were notified the golf course was shutting down and this was the last day anyone living outside of Madera would be allowed to play. Little by little any outside activities are being controlled, postponed, or cancelled. On my way home, the freeway was buzzing with people driving erratically and speeding. This has been a common observation by most people as the police presence continues to diminish. It feels disconcerting to witness such a disregard for basic laws and reaffirms many of the anxieties that I have recently been feeling when leaving the house.