Jaco, Costa Rica — El Miro (Part Two)
El Miro
El Miro was a can’t miss tourist attraction that is very accessible for anyone who wants an adventure located right on the doorstep of Jaco. If you have never heard of El Miro, it is an unfinished mansion set back in the hills of Jaco that you can explore at your own pace! You can park along the street near the petrol station and cross the street to the clearly marked El Miro trail head. Just in case you might need another landmark to orientate yourself, look for the Puddlefish Brewery that is also situated near the trail head and doubles as a great place to eat and drink artisan beer after visiting El Miro.

But I digress. After parking, walk up the cement pathway (it’s free to enter) that quickly turns into a dirt path. The hike was approximately 25 to 30 minutes uphill through the jungle with expansive views of Jaco and surrounding bay.

You are also privy to extensive cement murals of jungle animals that double as reinforcement to prop up the hill from caving in on the pathway. Once you get to the unfinished three-story mansion, you realize it is a unique destination point to explore.

Most every supporting wall was covered in graffiti, and the multiple decks or levels (with no walls) revealed spectacular elevated views of the jungle and Jaco bay. Surprisingly the area was clean of trash and debris, and there weren’t a lot of people cruising around. It was ours to traverse, closely examine, and ponder the deeper question why this mansion was never completed.

El Miro was a surreal moment in time because the mansion is a skeleton of what could or would have been a spectacular home. In my opinion, this is a bucket list opportunity when visiting the Jaco area.