Laundry Woes

Woke up with a massive hangover so I ended up sleeping in until 09:30am. I decided to tackle my dirty laundry issue which I’ve learned in Thailand is not the easiest thing to accomplish. I bought laundry detergent for 10Baht at 7-11 and threw all my clothes into a washer that are located on the ground level front patio area of each apartment complex (indoor laundry mats are hard to find).

Once that was done, I miraculously found a drier nearby and started that process. The drier cycle finally completed and when I went to retrieve my clothes; I found they were hot but not dry!

I gathered my wet clothes and hauled them back to my apartment where I laid them out to dry. Note to self: Find a dry-cleaning business nearby to wash, dry and fold my clothes. The second item that needed my attention was my Thai bank account debit card was not working. I looked online and found that banks in Thailand are open seven days a week. I took a motor scooter ride to Future Park mall and a K-Bank employee showed me that I had a savings account instead of a checking account. She helped me change my account password and I now have complete access to my account. I walked around for a while and became bored by the mall scene. Plus, there was a mob of people everywhere and I found it hard to walk through the main shopping areas without bumping into someone. I rode on a motor scooter in the rain back to my apartment and decided to get a quick bite to eat at the open-air market (fried squid, fried chicken, rice, and buttered corn). While walking back, I ran into two teachers I had met the previous night and they invited me to go to Khaosan Road in Bangkok next weekend to hang out. I have quite a weekend ahead with my tattoo planned on Saturday morning and then Khaosan Road that evening.