Welcome to The Traveling Hmapa

Living a life without borders.

Istanbul, Turkey Here I Come…

Traveling to Istanbul, Turkey happened on whim; a lark figuratively speaking. It was a Wednesday night, my friend and I were sitting at our usual table inside of the local pizzeria in Clovis, California having beers, a large mushroom and olive pizza when out of the blue the conversation turned to an acquaintance who was …

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Tesla Experience

Background: For the past year, we have been contemplating buying a Tesla. Our needs have fluctuated based on children growing up, not needing a large SUV or “family car”, gas prices are steadily rising, California has tax breaks for owning an EV (electric vehicle), Biden’s administration seems poised to reenact further Federal tax incentives, we …

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Cabo San Lucas reflections (Pueblo Bonito Sunset resort and Off roading adventures)

Cabo San Lucas holds a special place in my heart. When my children were younger this was our last stop during a week-long Disney cruise. Our first stop on the cruise was Puerto Vallarta. In my experience, I was a little turned off by the touristy sections of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Not that Puerto Vallarta …

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“I’m a real person”–a 21st Birthday memory

I think the idea of family has taken on a new identity during the pandemic. Maybe I should clarify a bit before moving on; what I meant to say is I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time reflecting on family because we spend more time together as a result of quarantining and trying to figure …

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Under Siege

It’s very hard to put into words what I am feeling right now watching the Capitol building be stormed by protesters. To be an active spectator in the erosion of our democratic institutions is unnerving, unprecedented, and without historical context. I guess the time has come for me to begin looking at other countries’ past …

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Lockdown Cali Style

Another California style lockdown has been implemented, but is it necessary? In the last 24 hours, Governor Newsom has divided California into five regions. If ICU hospital capacity within each region falls below 15%, then that region will be under a strict stay-at-home order for three weeks. The region containing Los Angeles County has already …

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Giving Thanks

Rising from COVID-19’s complex infrastructure Thanksgiving 2020 appeared as a monolithic superstructure compared to any other holiday this year. Approximately one month prior, our family contracted the virus and one by one the multiple families that had reserved a spot at our Thanksgiving table decided to cancel. Even though their reasons were logically valid, I …

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