Welcome to The Traveling Hmapa

Living a life without borders.

Localized School Petri Dish

Lately I have been daydreaming for long periods of time, lost in the doll drums of foggy memories: dining indoors enjoying lively music-drinking a beer from a frosty pint glass while hearing snippets of interesting conversations, enjoying the freedom of choosing a hobby to pursue (pool, a movie, bowling, and the list goes on), entering …

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Day 9

Day 9 of the local, national, and global protests over racial inequities have solidified the deep schisms running through our society. People are rightfully angry. Injustice is never an acceptable means to the end. We all want a utopia and yet, through the smoldering ruins of businesses, burnt husks of twisted metal, blood spattered streets, …

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Clipped Wings

The world literally and figuratively burns as I sit silently safely nestled at my desk in small town America. Each letter reflects the stark reality of black against white, black engaging with white forming a streaming fluidity and alternative consciousness. A president stokes the flames of insanity, pain, misery, and division not understanding others have …

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Remember-No Touching

The City of Fresno has extended the “shelter in place” order through the of May. It’s hard to believe we have to endure at minimum another six weeks of watching these events unfold from the confines of our homes. I’ve said before (probably multiple times) that each day there is a removal of our civil …

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Humanity Evolving

Alternating weather patterns slide across my backyard sky. Aggressive storms pass through unleashing torrents of rain that wash away the accumulated dirt and grime of our past, present and future life then as suddenly as they arrive, they are pushed along by the winds of change ushering in the brilliant warmth of renewed hope. In …

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Finding Truth in Present Reality

I’m starting to have bad days. Mentally this is taking a toll on me. I know everyone else is dealing with this problem but I need a break from hearing about police cracking down on those persons not sheltering in place by issuing citations or even arrest, the mounting death toll, rising infection rate, and …

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Panic Shopping

Leaving the house on Saturday for something other than grocery shopping was invigorating and a momentary respite from the growing isolation. On Sunday, I decided to stock up on dwindling supplies. I’m finding that feeding a family of five along with boyfriends and girlfriends is not easy. Cooking at home expends tremendous energy and going …

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Road Less Traveled

The starkly white windmill in my neighbor’s backyard keeps spinning as though oblivious to the nightmare. When will both stop? Leaves on the large tree plum trees in the corners of my backyard have sprouted from their slumber, the Bermuda grass in the front and backyard turned a lush green, and warm sunny days augment …

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