Welcome to The Traveling Hmapa

Living a life without borders.

Uncharted Territory

We are sailing in uncharted territories aboard a global ship of intrepid explorers. Bravely we hoist the sails pushing through the roiling waves of poor leadership, devastating storms of economic disparity, and howling winds of fear. In the midst of these dire circumstances, we send the courageous souls scurrying up the mast searching for solid …

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“We’re going to be fine”

I’ve moved to writing in the morning. Usually when nighttime rolls around, I’m about three (or four or five) Moscow Mules (vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice) in and don’t feel like reviewing what happened during the day. Most nights around 9:00PM, all I want to do is go to sleep and let my mind …

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News Feed Addiction

New York issued their “shelter in place” order for 90 days along with explicit instructions that enforcement action was an option for those not complying with the order. According to Governor Newsom, “Shelter in Place” has no deadline or end date for the great state of California. Why is our state not providing an end …

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Shutting Down (Everything)

I reported to the school campus this morning per the instructions of our school district. To be honest, I was a little nervous about how the process was going to happen. Upon my arrival, I met up with several colleagues in the first-floor hallway and we engaged in small talk. I noticed everyone appeared uncomfortable, …

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