Daily Stoic
Link: https://dailystoic.com/podcast/

Summary: Daily Stoic Life is a global community of Stoic thinkers and practitioners dedicated to becoming the best versions of themselves. For me, this has been a great introduction into Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus’ writings and teachings while incorporating strategies for everyday life.
Caffeine For the Soul with Michael Neill
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/caffeine-for-the-soul-with-michael-neill/id1120952231
Summary: Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of six books. Michael is often described as the ‘coach’s coach,’ and commands extraordinary respect within his field for unleashing the human potential with intelligence, humor, and heart.
Brendon Burchard
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-brendon-show/id821746377?mt=2

Summary: Every week, Brendon Burchard (a high performance coach) shares what he’s struggling with, working on and marching towards – and how we can all live an extraordinary life. I found him by first reading his books which helped me to stay focused and motivated, reevaluate my goals, and realize that I truly matter.
Ed Mylett
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ed-mylett-show/id1181233130?mt=2

Summary: Ed Mylett is a successful entrepreneur who shares inspiration that could help shape and transform areas of your life that you want to improve, whether that’s your body, or your mind, your business or your family. Not only is he funny but an authentic representation of what he is discussing, articulate and has great interview skills. I highly recommend listening to this podcast to reenergize, refocus, and gain clarity whether you’re feeling good, bad or indifferent.
Weekly Motivation
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/weekly-motivation-by-ben-lionel-scott/id1305631801
Summary: A weekly motivation podcast from some of the most highly successful and high achieving people in the world. It is a good place to find positive words of encouragement and retrain your brain to be an ally in your journey through life.