Tesla Experience
Background: For the past year, we have been contemplating buying a Tesla. Our needs have fluctuated based on children growing up, not needing a large SUV or “family car”, gas prices are steadily rising, California has tax breaks for owning an EV (electric vehicle), Biden’s administration seems poised to reenact further Federal tax incentives, we need a reliable efficient vehicle, and it just seems like a fun car to own. In addition, we know a family who owns a Model 3 and they have nothing but good things to say about it.
Test Drive: I called Tesla’s customer service line and was connected with a local representative who stated their facility was located near Shields Avenue and Fowler Avenue in Fresno, CA. I scheduled a test drive appointment for Saturday March 27th at 11:00am. The only cars they had on the lot were the Model 3, Model Y, and Model X which worked out because the Model S was out of our price range. Upon our arrival, we were met by a friendly Tesla employee who advised he did not work off commission and would be assisting us throughout the purchasing process. We decided to test drive a Model 3 single motor because it was the one in our price range; the dual motor is a step-up and a little faster, and we didn’t need the minuscule increase in 0-60 speed. He took us step by step through how to drive the vehicle which has a slight learning curve due to the fact a key card activates the car. Once the car is “on” then you place it in drive by using the gear shift located on the steering column. The onboard computer takes care of all other controls including but not limited too: navigation, audio, external cameras, video games, mirror-steering wheel adjustments, heat and A/C, and much much more! Once we had a basic understanding of the controls, he handed us the key card and advised to be back in around twenty minutes. I was surprised he didn’t ride with us, but also slightly relieved because we could talk freely in the car without any added pressure from an unknown entity.
During the first ten minutes of our test drive, we both became a little nauseous due to the fact the regenerative braking system slows the car down quickly if you abruptly let off the accelerator. I would best describe the driving action as “feathering” the accelerator instead of pressing down. Soon, it became apparent we didn’t need to use the brake pedal or if we did, only in extreme circumstances because the car was extremely sensitive to pressure when accelerating and decelerating. Driving the car was a unique experience as though we were handling an adult sized go-kart that snapped your head back if you decided to hit the accelerator. Within 15 minutes of the test drive, we were sold and drove back excited to see what the terms and conditions would entail.
Car Buying Experience: Upon our arrival, we were escorted into a sparsely decorated “car buying” room and discussed our options. Based on our test driving experience, we stayed with the Model 3 single motor standard range (286 miles) package white exterior and black leather interior with upgraded rims for an extra $1,900.00. The other upgrades started at an extra $10,000.00 (dual motor-extended range) and didn’t seem necessary for our budget and individual needs. The Tesla representative asked for a $100.00 deposit and stated the car would be ready within one to thirteen weeks. We asked why the delay at which point he advised the car was built to our specifications at the factory and current demand for the vehicles outpaced their inventory. I noted there was no haggling over price or even hint that was an option.
One thing we did learn was the difference between the charging times while at home. We currently have 110 volt outlets available which equates to about four miles per hour of charge. If we had 220 volt outlets (equal to a drier outlet) available then it would charge about 10-50 miles per hour. Finally, the level three supercharger that one would see in a business complex charges approximately 80% of the battery in 20 to 30 minutes. Later in my post, I discuss the fact we received 1,000 free supercharger miles, but it does cost money to supercharge your car. Recently, Tesla announced a significant 50% reduction in the supercharger cost if you charge between 7:00pm and 10:00am.
Loan Process: As soon as I arrived home, I logged into the Tesla web site and applied for a loan. It was approved within minutes for an APR of 2.49%, a down payment of $7,000.00 along with an affordable monthly payment over six years. I then contacted our Tesla agent who assisted me with the next steps which included uploading a photograph of our insurance and signing several online disclosure agreements. Again, everything was completed through the Tesla website in a systematic easy to use step by step process.
Bringing the car home: Within a week, we received an email from Tesla stating our car was ready to be delivered. We were elated and scheduled a pick up time at 11:00am on the following Tuesday. While waiting for the date to arrive, we downloaded the Tesla app onto our smartphones expecting our car to “magically” connect, but we later found out the car has to be authorized and cleared prior to engaging with the app.
We showed up five minutes early to our appointment, anticipation dripping from our pores. Everyone we had interacted with before were working in the office, and we were greeted warmly by all the employees. My wife and I sat in the “car buying” room where we met with our original Tesla agent and reviewed the warranty. Other than that there was nothing else to go over because the paperwork had already been taken care of online, and we walked outside to our new car that was parked nearby. All of us walked around the car to make sure there were no flaws or dents and our Tesla agent stated the Tesla app would connect within an hour to our car for integrated controls. In addition, I contacted my friend who owned a Tesla and he provided me with a reference code that activated 1,000 free supercharger miles. Literally, that was it; the car was ours and we drove off the lot thinking to ourselves we had just encountered the easiest car buying experience of our lives!

Tesla App: In my humble opinion, the best part of the Tesla is the app on my smartphone. It does almost everything: lists miles left on the battery, whether it is parked or in motion along with speed, acts as the key, controls interior climate, searches localities for supercharger stations, provides car location in real time, notifies us if software needs to be updated (this is a FREE service), remotely locks and unlocks the car, opens the trunk(s), and like I said before-so much more!